The shortage of skilled labour in Germany affects companies of all sizes – from small businesses to large corporations. This shortage has now reached a new record level: 86 per cent of companies report difficulties in filling vacancies. This means that the shortage of skilled labour has more than doubled in ten years. While only 40 per cent of companies reported such problems in 2014, Germany now leads the world with this figure and is well above the global average of 74 per cent. This is the result of a recent survey conducted by ManpowerGroup as part of its labour market barometer.
At 92 per cent, companies in the energy sector are particularly affected by the shortage of skilled workers. This corresponds to an increase of 29 per cent compared to the previous year. In the healthcare and IT sectors (89% each), the demand for skilled workers with specialised skills also far exceeds the supply – a clear indicator of the increasing specialisation of the labour market. Companies in the consumer goods & services sector recorded the lowest shortage of skilled workers at 82 per cent. The shortage of skilled labour in Germany affects companies of all sizes, from very small businesses to large corporations.